administrative assistants

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Hire Dedicated Full-time Administrative Assistants and make the best use of your time.

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Are you constantly overworked?

Handling reception phone calls, paperwork, bookkeeping, CRM updates, expense accounting and the calendar availability of multiple clients can easily derail you from focusing on mission critical tasks that only you can do to drive your business forward. Hire an Administrative Virtual Assistant to help!

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Are you losing business?

Have you missed a client because of the workload chaos? If you have so much on your plate that you start losing clients, it is definitely time to start delegating. Hire your own full-time Virtual Assistant to help with the admin tasks.

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Is work chaotic?

If you have been feeling like there is not enough hours in a day to handle all the work that you have, it is vital to get help. Having structure is key to success - let one of our experienced Virtual Assistants help you stay on schedule, track performance and to help you plan ahead.

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Screen Calls

Team Status

Database Update

Collect Documents

Maintain Records

Request Copies

Verify Information

Schedule Services

Listing Updates

Performance Analytics

Admin Tasks that the Virtual Assistant can do for you:

Create & format documents
Inform manager about issues
Monitor Timeline
Pull up records anytime
Follow up on reports, letters, copies
Manage listings across multiple sites
Update Virtual Tours
Coordinate Graphics Creation, Photography

It's was a great experience!

Great to work with.. Good communication & passion for excellence. They have made a positive impact on our business and have consistently provided strong candidates for our openings.

Henry Maes

San Jose, CA

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Never lose a lead again!

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Double your productivity today!

Focus your time on closing sales, finding more qualified leads and less time on paperwork to scale your business competitively

Admin & Operational Tasks

Tasks: Listing presentation, updates, co-ordination, collecting feedback, manage documents, prepare performance reports

Scheduling & Co-ordination

Tasks: Schedule showings, Schedule services (photography), set appointments

Calls & Adhoc Tasks

Tasks: Screen phone calls, Email triage, Meeting minutes/notes, Personal Admin tasks

Accounting & Bookkeeping

Tasks: Basic bookkeeping, Expense Reports, P&L Tracking, I&E Tracking


It's was a great experience!

Great to work with.. Good communication & passion for excellence. They have made a positive impact on our staffing experience and have consistently provided strong candidates for our openings.

Professional Partnership

I very much appreciate the way GlobalTeamz does their business. They are very professional and not pushy and open to communication. So grateful to have GlobalTeamz as our staffing partner.

Fast Service!

I still can't believe the quality for price ratio offered by GlobalTeamz. They took care of everything from start to finish. The entire team was professional throughout the process, going above and beyond to create a quality team that is exactly what I wished for.